FROTZCE V1.2b - an interpreter for most Infocom games. Complies with standard 0.2 of Graham Nelson's specification. Ported to Windows CE by Ian Dean in 1997 from Dos version 2.22. Dos version written by Stefan Jokisch in 1995-97 Features: - support for V1 to V8 games (limited support for V6 games) - real-time input ('Border Zone') - word completion (similar to "tcsh" under Unix) - command line history - small save files - switch for setting the Tandy bit - switches for colour setting - cheat functions - multiple UNDO (via hot key, even for old V1 to V4 games) - input line recording and playback (via hot key) - support for European characters ('Zork I German') - italic, reverse and boldface text - option to use small fonts to maximise screen size - option to hide command bar to maximise screen size - option to display bold fonts to maximise readability - fast performance without virtual memory - auto-recognition of all Infocom story files Special keys: Alt-D - toggle debugging options Alt-N - new game (restart) Alt-P - turn on input line playback Alt-R - toggle input line recording on/off Alt-S - set the random number seed Alt-U - multiple undo, works even for old V1 to V4 games Alt-H - help on hotkeys Alt-X - exit game Button bar: There are buttons for most common actions, and tapping on a word on the screen adds it to the input line, so you can theoretically play without typing... This project is now more or less complete (but the documentation isn't)... It doesn't handle graphics, fonts or sounds (and probably won't ever). At present the only editing keys are the and keys... All Infocom games work fully apart from: Arthur - Limited support as there are no graphics Journey - Limited support as there are no graphics Shogun - Limited support as there are no graphics (not tested) Beyond Zork - Limited support as there are no graphics characters Zork Zero - Not supported If you receive the error: "Cannot Execute 'FrotzCE'. A critical component is either missing or is failing to start due to low memory"... Your machine does not have the MFC Dll loaded. You can either download the MFC Dll or a standalone version of FrotzCE from my website. You will also find the latest version of FrotzCE at my website. Ian Dean LEGAL MUMBO-JUMBO 1) This program is FREE. That means you cannot sell it NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE. 2) You can give this program to whoever you like, but ONLY AS LONG AS YOU SUPPLY IT WITH ALL OF THE FILES IN THIS DISTRIBUTION. 3) I assume NO liability for ANY damages WHATSOEVER caused by using this program. In other words you use this program at YOUR OWN RISK. 4) You are not allowed to modify any of the files in this distribution.